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13 results found
  • CSL Seqirus is a world leader in developing and producing influenza vaccines. Learn more about how we work with our partners to protect the global community.
  • Learn more about how we're leveraging cutting-edge technology and proven expertise to develop influenza vaccines and respond to pandemic threats.
  • CSL Seqirus is a global influenza vaccine company developing innovative solutions to ensure epidemic and pandemic preparedness throughout the world.
  • ® 2 FILSPARI (Sparsentan) Dual ETA & AT1 antagonist (IgAN) NR European Union KORSUVA® KOR Agonist (CKD-aP)3 NR Saudi Arabia TAVNEOS ® Oral C5a Receptor Inhibitor (AAV)4 NR Israel, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Qatar VELTASSA ® Oral Potassium Binder (HK) NI European Union, Great Britain (for treatment of hyperkalaemia in adults and adolescents aged 12-17 yrs) Vaccines Develop products for the prevention of infectious disease CELLDEMIC® Influenza (H5N1 ) vaccine zoonotic monovalent, NR European Union adjuvanted (inactivated, cell-based) FLUAD® QUADRIVALENT Influenza vaccine, adjuvanted NR Argentina (surface antigen, inactivated, egg-based)5 FLUAD® QUADRIVALENT Influenza vaccine, adjuvanted NI European Union (for prevention of influenza in persons aged (surface antigen, inactivated, egg-based)5 50 yrs of age and older) FLUCELVAX® QUADRIVALENT Influenza vaccine NI Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand (for prevention of (surface antigen, inactivated, cell-based)6 influenza in persons aged 6m+) FOCLIVIA® Influenza A (H5N1) pandemic vaccine, adjuvanted (egg-based) NR Argentina (for prevention of influenza in persons aged 6m+) FOCLIVIA® Influenza A (H5N1) pandemic vaccine, adjuvanted (egg-based) NI Great Britain, European Union (for prevention of influenza in persons aged 6m+) INCELLIPAN® Influenza pandemic vaccine monovalent, adjuvanted NR European Union (inactivated, cell-based)7 PANVAX® Influenza (H5N8) pre-pandemic vaccine zoonotic monovalent, NR Australia adjuvanted (egg-based) CSL Vifor Focus and deliver products for the treatment of iron deficiency FERINJECT® (ferric carboxymaltose) NR Canada, Switzerland, Egypt FERINJECT® (ferric carboxymaltose) NI Australia (for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children aged 1-13 yrs)
  • We are committed to ensuring early and reliable supply of influenza vaccines using both egg and cell-based manufacturing technologies.
  • CSL Seqirus' corporate responsibility (CR) efforts include ethical business practices and contributing to the well-being of our global communities. Learn more.
  • Learn more about how we're leveraging cutting-edge technology and proven expertise to develop influenza vaccines and respond to pandemic threats.
  • and Fluad Quad Broadcasting 3131 Gt North Corporation Road, New Lynn, Trust Auckland 0600 (NZPABCT) Vicky Chan, Unichem 13 Cortina Place, 7.3.23 Fluad educational 7.3.23 $1,370.00 Speaker Fees $1,370.00 Pharmacist Pharmacy Pakuranga, webinar 7.3.23 (excl GST) educational (excl GST) Pakuranga Auckland 2010 event Diana Wang, The Doctors 205 Gt South Road, 15.7.23 Worldwise Travel $295.00 (excl 15.7.23 $295.00 (excl Conference $295.00 (excl Nurse Manager Greenlane Greenlane, Mini-series GST) GST) Registration Fee GST) Auckland 1051 Anwar Hoosen, The Travel 101 Apollo Drive, 15.7.23 Worldwise travel $220.00 (excl 15.7.23 $220.00 (excl Conference $220.00 (excl Travel Specialist Clinic, North Albany, Auckland Mini-Series GST) GST) Registration Fee GST) Shore 0632 Jason Leigh, Henderson 2 Monel Avenue, 15.7.23 Worldwise travel $295.00 (excl 15.7.23 $295.00 (excl Conference $295.00 (excl Nursing Manager Medical Centre Henderson, Mini-Series GST) GST) Registration Fee GST) Auckland 0612 Selim Karim, Whitecross 110 Lunn Avenue, 15.7.23 Worldwise travel $295.00 (excl 15.7.23 $295.00 (excl Conference $295.00 (excl Travel Specialist Lunn Avenue, Mt Wellington, Mini-Series GST) GST) Registration Fee GST) Mt Wellington Auckland 1072 Alison Stewart- Southern Southern District 27.9.23 HPV Webinar 27.9.23 $700.00 (excl Speaker Fees $700.00 (excl Piere, Nurse Sexual Health Health Board, GST) GST) Practitioner Service Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054 Dr Cathy J. The 502 3 Cobham Court, 27.9.23 HPV Webinar 27.9.23 $1,290.00 Speaker Fees $1,290.00 Stephenson, Rangatahi Ora Porirua 5024 (excl GST) (excl GST) General Clinic, Porirua Practitioner Jillian Lamb, Christchurch 2 Riccarton 27.9.23 HPV Webinar 27.9.23 $720.00 (excl Speaker Fees $720.00 (excl Nurse Women's Avenue, GST) GST) Practitioner Hospital Christchurch Central 8011 Caerlie Picken, Ranolf Medical 59 Ranolf Street, 5.10.23 Flucelvax NZ Focus Taxi, mileage and 5.10.23 $1,000.00 Advisory Board $1,247.38 Nurse Centre Victoria, Rotorua Group parking - $247.38 (excl GST) Fees (excl GST) Practitioner 3215 (incl GST) Adri Widyanto, Pharmaceutical Level 12, Grand 5.10.23 Flucelvax NZ Focus Taxi and parking 5.10.23 $1,200.00 Advisory Board $1,327.70 Programme Society of New Arcade Tower, 18 Group $127.70 (incl (excl GST) Fees (excl GST) Pharmacist Zealand Willis Street, GST) Wellington 6011 Vicky Chan, Unichem 13 Cortina Place, 5.10 23 Flucelvax NZ Focus $26.00 (incl GST) 5.10.23 $1,200.00 Advisory Board $1,226.00 Pharmacist Pharmacy Pakuranga, Group (excl GST) Fees (excl GST) Pakuranga Auckland 2010 Dr Gary Wu, The Doctors 205 Great South 5.10.23 Flucelvax NZ Focus $25.60 (incl GST) 5.10.23 $1,800.00 Advisory Board $2,095.60 General Greenlane Road, Greenlane, Group (excl GST) Fees (incl GST) Practitioner Auckland 1051 Monique MedPro PO Box 305402, 5.10.23 Flucelvax NZ $19.50 (incl GST) 5.10.23 $1,000.00 Advisory Board $1,169.49 Vosslamber, Healthcare Triton Plaza, Focus Group - car park fee (excl GST) Fees (incl GST) General (NZ) Ltd Auckland 0757 Manager Jo Maxwell, Maxwell PO Box 275, 5.10.23 Flucelvax NZ $542.33 (incl 5.10.23 $600.00 (excl Advisory Board $1,232.33 General Health Rangiora 7440 Focus Group GST) GST) Fees (incl GST) Manager ` Toni Kennedy, Auckland 2 Park Road, 1-3 Nov Epilepsy Society $608.70 (excl 1-3 Nov Conference $608.70 (excl Paediatric District Health Grafton, Auckland 2023 of Australasia GST) 2023 Registration fees GST) Epilepsy Nurse Board 1023 Conference Specialist Erin Skidmore, Auckland 2 Park Road, 1-3 Nov Epilepsy Society $608.70 (excl 1-3 Nov Conference $608.70 (excl Paediatric District Health Grafton, Auckland 2023 of Australasia GST) 2023 Registration fees GST) Epilepsy Nurse Board 1023 Conference Specialist Feona Robinson, Bay of Plenty 889 Cameron 15-17 Nov IMAC Conference, $365.22 (excl 15-17 Nov Conference $365.22 (excl Public Health District Health Road, TAURANGA 2023 Auckland GST) 2023 Registration Fees GST) Nurse Board 3112 Judy Culley, Bay of Plenty 889 Cameron 15-17 Nov IMAC Conference, $365.22 (excl 15-17 Nov Conference $365.22 (excl Public Health District Health Road, TAURANGA 2023 Auckland GST) 2023 Registration Fees GST) Nurse Board 3112 Transfers to HCOs Recipient Details Event details Activity details Recipient Total Name of HCO Address Location Date of Event Name Registration Fees Travel & Date of Fees for Details e.g. Total (incl/ ex Event (incl/ ex GST) Accommodation Activity Service and Speakers Fees / GST) Costs (incl/ ex Consultancy Advisory Board GST) (incl/ ex GST) Fees / Consultancy Service etc. Masterton 4 Colombo Masterton 5810 28.2.23 Influenza 28.2.23 $720.00 (excl Speaker Fees $720.00 (excl Medical Centre Road, Educational GST) GST) Lansdowne, Evening - speakers Masterton Paige Drummond and Maree McKenna NZ Pan African 3131 Gt North Auckland 0600 28.2.23 Educational 28.2.23 Speaker Fees - Ben $960.00 all Broadcasting Road, New seminar on the H. Harris paid to Corporation Lynn, Auckland topic of Influenza NZPABCT (NZPABCT) and Fluad Quad STIEF - (Sexually PO Box 2437, Auckland 1140 12.6.23 Educational Grant 12.6.23 $19,850.00 Educational Grant $19,850.00 Transmitted Shortland (excl GST) (excl GST) Infections Street Education Foundation) University of Private Bag Auckland 1142 9.11.23 Webinar on 9.11.23 $2,800.00 Speaker Fees - Dr $2,800.00 Auckland 92019, understanding flu (excl GST) Janine Paynter (excl GST) Auckland 1142 vaccines safety and effectiveness
  • Silver Sponsorship $1,000 (incl GST) IMAC C/o University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 Auckland 14 March 24 Influenza and Covid 19 Symposium
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